Reasons of dyslexia
The function of the vestibular canals
The main function of the horizontal canal is to report on the horizontal rotation movement.
The upwards directed vestibular canal reports mainly on the upwards rotational movements.
The backwards oriented vestibular canal has the same task in its direction.
The canals have elargements , cupulae, which have sensory cells and calcium crystals.
If crystals are loose in the canals , they cause irregular irritation in the sensory cells and thus impaired guidance of the eyes and further inaccurate eye movements. This causes difficulties to be able to read and a part of dyslexia.
The generally accepted opinion was, that the superior ,anterior vestibular canal was not needed to treat.
Because I could not understand why, I developed a test of free otoconia for it and positional superior canal maneuver as its treatment.
They were published peer rewiewed Clinical otolaryngology 2002;58:392-395. Only after my invention my visual and other changes were found.
After 2 years the others began to publish their own modifications and my work was accepted.

The goal is good literacy and prevention of marginalization
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Better literacy
Doc. Tapani Rahko has developed ReadingOCI -method ( Otolith Canal Irritation) -positional treatment method. It can abolish and diminish different difficulties connected to reading and coordination. The reading- and learning ability gets better in all age groups. ReadingOCI includes TestOCI-, PractiseOCI- and MinimizeOCI parts. The greatest benefit is obtained in children and youngsters.
This phenomenon is more common than believed. It is hereditary from the birth on. It is easier to be found with much more sensitive Rahko WRW and Rahko tests.
The tiny granules in vestibular canals produce random disturbances and resulting eye movement irregularities. Thus the picture at retina is unclear and its memory in brain as well.
This phenomenon imitates a central defect, although the background is peripheral.
This produces typically jumping of lines, the disappearence of the interspaces between words, reading forward-backwards and guessing. It is difficult to create a sensible sentence on the basis of this situation. All these problems are corrected with this method. This is based on visual background theory of dyslexia. Later in the background part of the text the connections to other possible backgrounds are reported. The peripheral functional repairable dyslexia does not exclude varying degrees of from very small to big of central structural background.

The increased risk of social marginalization.
Dyslexia makes it necessary to use more time to be able to learn in school. Because the narrow visual field allows maybe a part of word be seen, the task gets more tiresome with repetitions etc. lines are jumping the visual field is too small. This situation may create an impression of other more central disturbances.
A part of pupils gets tired of the situation. They may be not able to obtain necessary skills to learning.
The same situation is seen in the cognition of speech.
These phenomenon imitate central type of difficulties although the background is peripheral. The problem can be treated with the visual input correction through positional treatments of vestibular canals according to the schedule described next.
The increased and more accurate visual field makes it easier to read. The brain is able to develop further with its immense capacity. It could be compared to self-learning neural computer. How all this happens, is not known.